The 21st Century Jobs are in Logistics, not Steel

1 min read


President Trump has talked about bringing back steel. A recent tweet asserts, “Our Steel Industry is the talk of the World. It has been given new life, and is thriving. Billions of Dollars is being spent on new plants all around the country!” In fact, steel jobs have been declining for the last thirty years. A recent Bloomberg article notes that ferrous metal foundry jobs have declined by 60% since 1990. Where have the jobs gone? In a word: logistics. Warehousing and storage jobs have skyrocketed by 180% over the same time period. A case study for this transition is…...

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Benjamin Benjamin Gordon is an entrepreneur, advisor, and investor for companies in transportation, logistics, and supply chain technology. He is the CEO of Cambridge Capital and BGSA. He is a published author at Fortune, Supply Chain 24/7, Modern Distribution Management, and SupplyChainBrain. He has been interviewed on CNBC and ABC. He hosts BGSA Supply Chain, the industry-only CEO-level conference for all areas of the supply chain. Benjamin graduated from Harvard Business School and Yale College.